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Ukrainian Language Translation

Ukrainian Language Translation

Ukrainian is a language of the East Slavic group of languages. It is the official language of Ukraine. It is the official language of Ukraine. They share the Cyrillic language. They share the same Cyrillic with the neighbouring countries – Poland, Russia, and Slovakia.

The language has persisted despite 2 bans. The ban was imposed by Imperial Russia in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It has survived because of the rich folk culture of the Ukrainian people. Famous poets like Taras and Lesya kept the language alive.

There are almost 50 million Ukrainian people all over the world. Almost 37.5 million ethnic Ukrainians reside in Ukraine. In western Ukraine the Ukrainian language is prevalent.

Language diversity

In Kiev both Russian and Ukrainian are spoken. In rural areas still, Ukrainian is spoken, but in Urban areas, Russian is the main language. In Crimea Russian is the main language. Ukrainian is almost absent. This paradigm shift is because most rural people are going to urban places.


After the fall of the Volhynian empire Ukraine came under the rule of Lithuania, and language was a marked feature of Lithuanian rule. Then came the Polish rule that also affected the Ukrainian language. As the Ukrainian language grew further some influence of Tartar and Turkish occurred. As the empire grew the Ukrainian language grew in the late sixteenth and early seventeen centuries. Ukrainian was the official language in the Polish kingdom.

Later in medieval times when Ukraine was divided into Poland and Russia the Ukrainian language suffered many challenges. It was developed as a very beautiful language.

As Ukraine was close to the Tatar people, there are many words taken from the lexicon language.

In the 19th century Ukrainian language was called “Little Russia”. In the 20th century, there was a great impact on the Ukrainian language. The Russian language overpowered the Ukrainian language. The Ukrainization or persecution of native speakers in 1920-30 was also in full swing.

At last, Ukraine got freedom in 1990, and then Ukrainian people got the freedom to speak their language.

Countries Where Ukrainian Is Spoken

  • Argentina
  • Croatia
  • Moldova
  • Slovakia
  • Belarus
  • Czech Republic
  • Poland
  • Transnistria
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Hungary
  • Romania
  • United Kingdom
  • Brazil
  • Kazakhstan
  • Russia
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Serbia
  • Uzbekistan

The main Dynamics

Ukraine is a country with its capital Kiew. The population is 44,033,874. The currency is UAH. The GDP is $8,300. The employment is 90%. The government is a semi-presidential republic. The industries are coal, mining, electric power, metallurgy, machinery, food, textile, agriculture, and chemical industry.

The Trust factor

A trustworthy translation company that translates the Ukrainian language is a deal. Our trustworthy translators are competent. They are well-versed in their native language. You can trust our native translators. We are an affordable translation company which deals in an affordable translation.

We translate Ukrainian into English and vice versa. We are a translation agency nearby. We do not charge much from our clients. We offer them the best quality services. We believe in quality not quantity. You can trust us for our high-quality services. We deliver the content in deadlines.

Types of services we offer -

  • Website translation
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