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Lingala Translation

Lingala language Translation Services

Lingala language history

Linguashine provides translation in various languages. We are a customer-driven agency with a full focus on clients. We prove to be a mentor in this field. We also advise our clients. We treat them as God as they are our priority. We provide them as our clientele and appreciate them. We are a promising agency with five years of experience. We do translation in more than 100 languages. Our translators are well-versed in their preferred language. We provide a good solution to your problem. We deal in many ways. We are an ISO 9001-certified agency.

Lingala is spoken by 10 million people all over the world. It is spoken mainly by the residents living in the democratic republic of Congo. It is also spoken in Angola and the Central Republic of Africa. It was the language of the Bangla people. They lived and traded along the banks of the Congo River.

Earlier it was known as Bangi, but the Europeans named it Lingala.


The Lingala language belongs to the Bantu family. It consists of 250 languages. They are mainly spoken in Central Africa, Southeast Africa, and Southern Africa. It has many loan words taken from other languages like Spanish, French, Portuguese, and English. Examples are Kelasi means “class”, Milki means “Milk”. And Buku means book.

Before 1880, Bobangi was an important trade language in the western section of the Congo River. The first European kings and their first west-east-Africans troops tried to do trade and attempted to learn this language. They noticed the widespread popularity of the Bobangi language. They tried to learn it. But the attempt failed. Then a new language of trade emerged. It was called “the language of River” or Bobangi-Pidgin.

In 1902- CICM missionaries tried to clean the Bobangi language from the impurities of Pidgin features which it had acquired from the 1880’s. Several missionaries and protestants believe that Bangla has also impurities like the Bobangi language. So, the new language Lingala was introduced. Lingala’s importance as a vernacular has grown since its size and the main centre of its use.

In 1901 CICM missionaries renamed it Lingala. It took some decades to be accepted by colonials and Congolese. The Lingala word first came in the book in 1901-2 by CICM missionary Egide de Boeck. The name change was accepted in the Western and Northwestern Congo. It was not changed in the Northeastern Congo where the Language is still Bangla.