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Maltese Language Translation

Maltese Language Translation

Maltese is a Semitic language. It is written in Latin script. It isn’t easy to find the origin of the language. Maltese is closer to Lebanese than the Arabic dialects of North Africa.

In 1968, two famed Maltese research scholars found a 15th-century poem written in Maltese. The poem with the title "IlKantilena" was associated with Pietru "Peter" Caxaro, written in Latin script.

The most awaited dictionary was an anthologist Agius de Soldanis in 1766, but it was not released till 2015.

The national language of Malta

English and the Maltese both is the official language of Malta. Most of the population is fluent in both languages. In 1800, when the Britishers came to Malta, they initiated the population to learn English. Now Maltese and English both are officially important in Malta. Maltese and English both are compulsory in the school curriculum.

The Italian language has also influenced the people of Malta. The Italian language has its influence from food to fashion. The Romans spent a lot of time here. There were only Italian TV channels broadcast once there. Around 60% of people speak the Italian language.

Professional language translation

The language translation is strictly done under the supervision of language experts. They translate the language from English to Maltese and Vice versa. Every translation passes through strict quality control and secured accuracy.

Linguashine is an ISO-certified company in Delhi. We deliver instant and cost-effective documentation within a time frame. We deal in birth certificates, passports, marriage certificates, academic, e-commerce, tourism papers, and brochures.

We also deal with government papers. The law entirely depends on the law entity of a particular country. The language precedes translation services for legal Maltese documentation and policies, patents, and user manuals. Different legal jargon is used in this translation. We keep an eye on these jargon and copyright issues.

We tremendously follow the rules and regulations of the law-abiding firm. Our experts translate the whole content with accuracy.

The audio and video translation can be used for market research, academic research, journalist interviews, entertainment videos, legal publications, blogs, e-letters, e-books, videos, and articles on different topics.

The dubbing part is also done in our agency. We provide help in the initial recording of an artist in the Maltese language. We help you with the recording artist.

Use of Maltese language translation

We are an agency which provides translation nearby. We are open 24*7. We form a translation team which is active throughout the project. Our domain structure is very high. Our client base touches on education, games, VR, VDR, software, media & publishing houses, marketing & advertising content, graphics animation, and CAD.

We are here to come out with a solution to your translation world. We provide the best solutions at a reasonable price. Providing a good translation at an affordable price is our guarantee.