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Italian Language Translation

Italian Language Translation

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Italian language facts

Italian is the official language of Italy, Switzerland, San Morino, Vatican City, Croatia, and Slovenia. There are approximately 65 million users who speak Italian and 20 million who adopt Italian as their second language.

The older group speaks more Italian, and the younger generation speaks English, French, or German. There are other dialects also despite of Italian spoken by their Nomads. Like Sicilian, Lombard, Corsican, and Romany.

The Italian language is taught in schools. It is not taught as a third or fourth language in schools. It is taught in schools worldwide.

Dialects Regions
Septentrional Gallo-Italic and Venetic Northern regions including Venice
Central-Meridional Tuscan, Latin-Umbria-Marchegian, Meridional and Intermediate Meridional   Tuscany, including northern Latium, Rome and Abruzzi
Istrian Parts of Croatia

Some interesting facts about Italy

The capital is Rome. The population is 63,000,000. The currency is the Euro. The GDP is $ 36,600. (PPP). The unemployment is 11.4%. The government type is Parliamentary Republic. Industries are Tourism, Machinery, Iron & steel, chemicals, food processing, textiles, motor vehicles, clothing, footwear, and ceramics.

Italy has more than 110 provinces and is yet to be separated and developed.

Italian language history

Modern Italian has its roots in the vulgar Italian language spoken by the Roman Empire. The vulgar Italian no longer impacts any of the languages spoken by today’s youth. It has no impact on anyone in the entire world. It is widely spoken all over Europe.

During the 14th Century Tuscan dialect gained popularity in Italy. Factors were its topography and the influence of Florence. Florence was gaining popularity.

The Tuscan dialect was popular for many centuries and was the dialect spoken in the aristocracy division. The country was unified in 1861 when Italian became a popular language in schools. The Italians unified and spoke one language as the literacy rate grew and more literate people were getting enlightened.

During the 19th century, it was the modern Italian language developed and came into action.

Countries/ cities where Italian is spoken.

  • Argentina
  • Egypt
  • Malta
  • Somalia
  • Australia
  • Eritrea
  • Paraguay
  • South Africa
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Philippines
  • Switzerland
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Germany
  • Puerto Rico
  • Tunisia
  • Brazil
  • Israel
  • Romania
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Canada
  • Libya
  • San Marino
  • United Kingdom
  • Chile
  • Liechtenstein
  • Saudi Arabia
  • United States
  • Croatia
  • Luxembourg
  • Slovenia
  • Uruguay
  • Vatican State

History of the Italian language

During the Middle Ages, the established written language was Latin. Most of the people were illiterate and only a few were well versed in this language. In the Italian peninsula, the people spoke a local vernacular. It was referred to as vulgar Latin as there was no reading or writing ethics belonging to this language. It was used for many centuries unaffected by formal teachings and standards.

They were not in any sense dialects; they were just spoken dialects. The Romance dialects were different from other dialects in terms of typography, phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax.

The original dialects have Romance in it written by Tuscan in the 12th Century and followed by Florence in the 13th Century. The language came into existence in the period of Central Tuscany and was first formalised in the 14th century. It came into existence by the Tuscan writer Danty. It was written in his native language Florentine. Dante’s epic poems collection is known as Commedia. All these collections brought the Romance Italian language to fire and all the Peninsula became Romantic. Another poet Giovanni wrote Divina which also contributed a lot towards romanticising the language.

The dialect of Florence became the dialect of the Italian language which is the foundation of today’s modern Italian dialect.


It was the time when both Italian and French languages merged. During this period the long beliefs of the Roman Catholic church were understood from the Humanitarian perspective. After the invention of the printing press in the 15th Century, literature and reading material were available widely and at low cost. More and more people were involved in reading the literature. Italian became the language used in courts. It was used in every state of the Italian peninsula.

Modern Era

An important event was the capture of Italy by Napolean who himself was an Italian-Corsican. It somehow united Italy and the Italian language. After some time, it pushed into the lingua franca which influenced the fact of Italy dialect with French. It is spoken by the clerks of courts and by the bourgeoisie.

Contemporary times

The modern times and the first novel called As I Promissie Spouse ((The Betrothed) by Manzoni raised the standard of the Italian language in 1840.

After unification, many soldiers and civil servants were introduced into the system and new words were indulged in the dialects. Only 2.5% of the population could properly speak the Italian language.