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Swedish Language Translation

Swedish Language Translation

Whether an organisation is small, medium, or large translation is a need of hour. The content represents your identity in the market. The content can be in any form of a website, marketing collateral, or virtual.

The customers enjoy the content in their native language. And not every person needs to get to know every language. So, comes the job of a translator. There are translation agencies that are well-versed in this field. People prefer those who are translating the content into their native language.

While doing this simple change, you can bestow your footprints all over the globe.

Sweden has a 551$ GDP. It has a large scope respective to expansion in the global economy. There are around 10 million people who speak the Swedish language.

Amazing facts about the Swedish language

Swedish is an Indo-European language, that belongs to the North-Germanic branch of Germany. There are around 10 million Swedish-speaking people around the globe. About 3 million people speak Swedish as their second language.

Swedish is the co-official language of Finland. It is spoken in Germany and the USA. Standard Swedish spoken by most Swedes evolved from the Central dialect in the 19th century. The Swedish language got its status in the 20th century.

Swedish was spoken in Estonia, but now the Swedish speakers are extinct.

Swedish is an Indo-European language, that belongs to the North-Germanic branch of Germanic languages. It has been used in state and local government. It became a national language in 2009 after a bill was proposed. Swedish is the national language of Aland. It has 26,00,000 inhabitants who speak Swedish as their first language. The Swedish alphabet has 29 29-letter alphabets.

Economy of Sweden

The GDP of Sweden is 0.5 in 2023. The inflation is 5.7% in 2023. The unemployment is 7.6%. It is an assumption that in 2024 the economy will be boosted up with more jobs, and opportunities. Wealth consumption is going to increase as more opportunities and leverage of GDP are going up in major areas.

The economy is highly dependent on exports. They export timber, hydropower, and iron ore.

Sweden relied on a modern agriculture economy employing a big force. There are various companies like Ericsson, ASEA/ABB, SKF, and Dyno Nobel.

Sweden is a competitive mixed economy. The percentage of national wealth owned by the government is 24%. Sweden has the second largest tax revenue data collection after Denmark.

Around 4.5 million people are working, in which every third person has a territory education. GDP is 31$. The GDP is growing at a rate of 2%.

Areas of translation

Website translation, document translation, certificate translation, audio translation, video translation, technical translation, legal translation, and tourism translation.

Need for Translation in this hour

We identify the potential market and gather facts about where we subscribe your sales. And after deep analysis, we create a report of sales. After pitching into the market, we deeply analyse your ROI.

We make sure that your target audience is captured, and we create content that is viable for your company. We follow all the norms necessary for better content. If you have good content, then your reputation will also improve in the market.

We also increase the sales of your product while translating the content into the native language.

Sweden is a world leader in privatized pensions. As per records, there is a need for translation of the original content into native content grows.

Awesome translation agency facts

If you are looking for a reputed and awesome translation for your content, then Linguashine comes in. We ensure good, translated content at a reasonable price. We are here to help you with your needs.

We translate Swedish to English and Vice versa. We are an online agency nearby.

We are certified Swedish language translators.

Our speciality

We have been providing unbeatable solutions concerning translations for a long. Everyone does not provide Swedish translation with accurate and competitive prices. Our Swedish native translators can translate any translation be it large or small.

Our data privacy is 100%. We are providing accurate content at the time of translation. We had a record of 97% satisfied customers.


1How much time it takes to deliver the documents?

It took around 2-3 business days to deliver the content. But if the work is urgent then we can extend the deadline. And if the translators are available the work can be done early.

2 How many languages do you translate?

We translate around 150 languages. We have more than 1000 + freelancers and we are a centralized agency.

3 Do you accept cash?

Yes, we accept every form of currency like cash, UPI, card, and online transactions.

4 Are your government authorised?

No, but we are ISO-9001 authorised.

5 If I am abroad, then how can we connect?

We can connect through email, skype, or any medium whichever suits your time zone.