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Estonian Language

Estonian language Translation

Estonian language history

Estonian is a Finnish language. It uses Latin script as most languages use. Estonian is the official language of Estonia. Around 1.2 million people around the world speak this language. Estonian is a Latin language as the basis of its official language. Estonians use different pronunciations for vowels and often omit the long sound vowel in exchange for the short sound vowel.

The language uses phonemic rules. In this language sh and h are used as fricative. When writing in Estonian it is uncommon to replace vowels and transliterations. Yu is used more than u. In addition to the north and south dialects, there is no other dialect. These dialects are found in the North known as Tallinn and in the South as Tartu.

Professional Estonian translators.

We have professional translators including subject matter experts. We are providing good experts at a decent price. We have around 1000 + translators working with us. We are a company of trust and experts. We offer voice-over translations also. We also offer podcasts.

If you are in a hurry and want your work to be done without delay, then we are here to help you. We will come up with a solution. We will come up with an affordable solution for you.

At Linguashine we work with native Estonian people so that the translation goes smoothly and perfectly.

The services we provide.

  • Document translation.
  • E-Learning translation.
  • Subtitle translation.
  • Software translation.

Estonian translation tips & challenges

  • It is spoken by 1.1 million people worldwide. It is a Finnish language and uses Latin language.
  • Estonian uses the typical Latin language. They use different vowels for pronunciation. Often omitting long-sounded vowels instead of short-sounded vowels.
  • Estonian uses phonemic principles.
  • One vowel that stands out is the letter.
  • In the Estonian language, it is common to use “yu” instead of u.

Estonian website translation.

In today’s world, it is very necessary to make an online presence. And if you are writing in your native language. It is very necessary for your company’s presence and reputation. At Linguashine, we truly appreciate your presence, so that you can achieve success.

Linguashine supports a lot of CMS solutions. Some content management systems we support are WordPress and Shopify. All our translators understand the Estonian language, its varieties, and dialects which are essential for our client. These dialects are relevant for our client.

Subtitle translation is also popular. Many people use translation as a main translation. You can use Google Translate, but there is no guarantee of grammar and punctuation. But we have professionals, or you can say experts who do this job. We are familiar with the following subtitle formats STRT, VIT, TTML, and SCC.

We would like to translate in the format which is preferred by our client. Document translation seems to be easy but when it comes to professional translation then our agency has its value. We professionally do the translation while keeping all the dialects and pronunciation in mind.

We are professional and do the work properly.

Estonians have a total of 14 noun cases. They are more like long and short consonants and vowels.

More dialects and punctuations are borrowed from the German counterparts of the world.

Estonian is not a major language, it is a very difficult language to learn followed by Chinese, Arabic, Korean, and Japanese.