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Machine translation post editing (MTPE), also known as automated, automatic, or immediate translation, is essentially (as you might think) a process in which a translation is carried out entirely by a computer (at least at first). It first appeared in the 1950s, but it has grown increasingly popular in recent years due to increased translation demand.

Indeed, MT does not deliver flawless translations; rather, it necessitates the involvement of a competent linguist to achieve the desired outcome. Post-editing is the process of examining, correcting, or reordering an MT result. Most or all of the time, 78 per cent of translators say they post-edit their work. This task could be similar to double-checking if a Translation has 100 per cent matches.

Why should you choose LinguaShine?

  • Big volume projects can be translated with high quality human translation in less time.
  • Editing machine translation into human translation in affordable costing.
  • With multilingual subject matter specialists, the quality will be higher.
  • We have a team of professional editors who review the Machine translation and ensure that the edited translation has consistency in tone and accuracy.